[Stoves] Re: Early TLUD history… Re: Friz Handel’s Bush Buddy history


Thank you for your further comments. I am placing them at the EPosts
section at the drtlud.com website for continual access without
needing to search the archives.


Doc / Dr TLUD / Prof. Paul S. Anderson, PhD
Email: psanders@ilstu.edu
Skype: paultlud Phone: +1-309-452-7072
Website: www.drtlud.com

On 2/20/2017 10:20 PM, Tom Miles wrote:
> Paul, Neil,
> Great story. It’s not unusual for creative people faced with similar
> challenges to come up with similar solutions. We have frequently seen that
> with industrial processes patents. Sometimes when you contact someone and
> say “Hey, we had the same idea!” you never hear from them again, or, they
> send you a copy of their patent. Other times you exchange stories about how
> each arrived at a similar solution.
> John Hall apparently trademarked his Bushbuddy about 1999 and eventually
> abandoned it. You can find the abandoned trademark but a quick search didn’t
> show a patent. He appears to still be in Portland.
> It is interesting that Fritz’s invention was inspired by solving problems
> with the Sierra camp stove. I still have our 1990 Sierra Stoves sitting on
> the shelf. As you know we tested them and the Zmart Stove for the developer,
> Fred Hottenroth, and Tom Reed. Tom boiled peas for me in his kitchen with a
> Sierra about that time. As you probably note in your history, Tom was
> working with the stratified downdraft in 1980 and I saw his the first TLUD
> he showcased with Ron Larson in about 1996. (That’s when I talked Ron into
> moderating this list, which he did for the next 6 years.)
> Whatever the evolution it’s great that the TLUD concepts have served the
> hikers and domestic cookers for at least 27 years. Besides, there has always
> been something intriguing about gasifiers.
> Tom