[Stoves] Real results with TLUDs in India — was Re: CO2 drawdown (Re:Jock)

On 2/4/2017 7:14 PM, Crispin Pemberton-Pigott wrote:
> TLUD designers: poor people do not have lots of free time. They do not care as much about smoke as you do. They dislike additional manual work. They are much better at operating stick fed stoves than they are given credit for. Tincanium is not widely available. (Mali has only 20% of the metal it would need to have broad adoption of improved stoves.)
> Producers: if you want me to promote your TLUD char making solutions, stop using the WBT to lie about how much fuel they consume. It is your albatross, shake it off your neck.
My responses:
1. Very poor people living in eastern Darjeeling Districe, West Bengal,
India are eagarly accepting the Champion TLUD stoves, with a waiting
list for each new batch. And there are 12,000 of those same stoves in
constant use in Deganga, WB, for up to 4 years. It seems that much of
the rejection is by Westerners who believe they know what the poor
people think and want. Time will tell.

2. The calculations of the fuel use reduction for the same cooking
tasks in Deganga were measured with a scale in the field in Deganga.
Average usage of nearly 9 kg went down to about 4 kg. I call that
better than 50%. AND the families are selling their charcoal for
important monthly income. No WBT involved. Deganga TLUD usage has
been verified for each of the past four years by third-party examiners
for the carbon credits. —- There is no reason to be knocking the
TLUDs because of calculation issues regarding the WBT.

Note: I am now seeking funding to expand the TLUD availability in West
Bengal. Grants, purchases of carbon credits, and even loans (secured
with expected sales of carbon credits) are all welcome. If willing to
participate in any way or able to get others to participate financially,
please contact me directly at my personal email address
psanders@ilstu.edu (Be sure to NOT respond via the Stoves
Listserv. Do NOT send to “Reply All.”)


Doc / Dr TLUD / Prof. Paul S. Anderson, PhD
Email: psanders@ilstu.edu
Skype: paultlud Phone: +1-309-452-7072
Website: www.drtlud.com