[Stoves] Upright split-log burning and “Stealth fires” and TLUD camping fires … was Re: How to make smokeless coal?

Stovers and campers:

Three parts to this message:
A, Upright split-log burning and
B. “Stealth fires” and
C. TLUD camping fires .

About A: Neil wrote:
Not sure if the so called ‘Swedish log’ counts as a TLUD?

PSA: There are probably many names (and origins) (and suppliers) for the burning of upright split logs, as shown in the video. But they are not TLUDs. Not even ignited at the top. It is a nice fire. And very convenient.

About B: “Stealth fires” also from Neil:

Did anyone ever have a conversation with Paal Wendelbo about what he
might have known of the history or ubiquity of lighting fires from the
top in Norway?

>> PSA: Everything Paal Wendelbo told me about the origins in Norway I have already written. He did not elaborate more to me. He did not use the term “stealth fire”. But I really like that term. Note that it distinguishes a top lit fire that is in the open from a top lit fire that is in a container, which has become a gasifier device. A gasifier means that the creation of the combustible gases occurs in a different place (different level) than does the burning of those gases.

This distinction between a “stealth fire” (in the open) and a TLUD GASIFIER (in a container) is fundamental!!!! Wendelbo succeeded in putting a stealth fire into a container and accomplished something MORE than a containerized fire. It happened to have the separation of the creation of the gases from the burning of the gases. That was NOT Wendelbo’s objective. Wendelbo was not involved with “theory” or “science”. He was totally practical, to bring under control what he saw in his youth. But what occurred is that the confinement of the stealth fire happened to have the necessary components to be a gasification device with a good fire, and he recognized it as being good. He did not (at least not initially) recognize his accomplishment as a “gasifier” (in the scientific sense).

In contrast, Tom Reen never discussed stealth fires, but approached the science of gasification with a new twist, the IDD or Inverted DownDraft GASIFIER (now known as TLUD).

Two men with totally different approaches and backgrounds, both accomplished (devised, invented, initiated) essentially the same thing during the same time period (1985-2000).

Neil wrote:
We have heard the Norwegian resistance stealth fires
story, which I found interesting in relation to Baden Powell who actually
describes bunking off into the woods while at boarding school and
lighting “stealth fires” and trapping and cooking rabbits, but then the
top lit idea is entirely missing from ‘Scouting for Boys’, and its hard
to imagine he would have known the technique but not shared it.
About C: TLUD gasifiers as camping stoves.
Perhaps someone will do more study of “stealth fire”. But please do NOT start calling TLUDs to be “stealth” devices.

Note: it is already known that when campgounds and parks prohibit “open fires” (therefore NO stealth fires are allowed, not even if in a “campfire ring”), the TLUD stoves are “contained fires” and can probably be allowed (check with your local authorities) , along with propane/LPG stoves and charcoal burners and alcohol stoves.

But for the visual benefits of seeing flames and having light from a fire at a camping event, a TLUD can far exceed the fire-light from LPG, alcohols and charcoal that show essentially no flames for ambience.!!!!! And if the TLUD is operated “rich” (much gases because of primary air with relatively deficient secondary air), the visible flame grows taller (seeking oxygen in the ambient air), and gives more campfire-style light. This is another topic for backpackers and campers to experience and to tell us about. ***** But always be careful with fire!!! We want TLUDs to be welcome and acceptable at campgrounds.!!!

Further note: TLUDs as camping stoves do not send up sparks. TLUDs burn gases. The “sparky” particles of traditional wood-burning are absent. This is extremely important for the prevention of forest fires/ grass-fires that are a danger from open campfires.
