Biochar makers that


AWESOME presentation. Every image was worthwhile. Is it available anywhere else besides the Dropbox? Could it be placed at my website, please.
And on the last image/page there is a great photo of you in 1987, two decades before we met.

Your presentation and comments help put the various methods of making char into perspective.
What you refer to as “flame carbonizer” devices or flame types is also called oxic meaning that oxygen Is present. Anoxic is without oxygen present, which is the case of retorts which, I think, are less used than in the past, and were not in the scope of your presentation about “Flame Carbonizers for Biohar.”

The various oxic or “flame-present” or “flame carbonizer” methods that you display so well can be somewhat subdivided according to how much control and restriction there is to the entry of air (the O2 component of air). The most controlled is with the gasifiers, such as the TLUDs that separate the primary from the secondary air. The least controlled are probably the open ricks. Between them are what I refer to as “cavity kilns” where there are sides such as on cones and pyramids and troughs and trenches and even shipping containers of the large “air burners” or “air curtains.” In all of those, the air that enters comes in over the upper edges of the cavities. (special variations with air injection nozzles, etc. also function.)

The more enclosed ones of coking ovens and pizza ovens (and other containers) are especially interesting. We would like some of their production features, but without the size, weight, or permanence.

I will present the 4C Kiln with consideration of these types.

Again, thank you. 2016 is one of the few Stove Camps that I missed at Aprovecho, so I had not seen your excellent presentation previously. It deserves more attention.

FROM KELPIE: Here is a link to the presentation I (Kelpie) gave at Stove Camp in 2016 where I talked about coking ovens and flame carbonizers:


Doc / Dr TLUD / Paul S. Anderson, PhD
Exec. Dir. of Juntos Energy Solutions NFP
Email:<> Skype: paultlud
Phone: Office: 309-452-7072 Mobile: 309-531-4434

From: <>
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2019 6:38 PM
Subject: [biochar] Re: Biochar makers that are low emission, fire safe, and “look like” a stove, oven or heater

Hi Paul and Paul,
The 4C device is a really interesting idea. To scale it up, take a look at coking ovens, used to bake the volatiles out of low grade coal. There are low and high tech versions and they use the same idea of a cavity to hold in heat and burn volatiles.

I have been thinking for awhile about making a cob pizza oven that has a chute at the back leading to an air tight chamber. As you cook your pizza, you add more wood. As the wood chars, you push it to the back where it falls down the chute into the chamber where it cools. You have door there where you can unload the cooled char, so it is actually a continuous process.

If you want a lot of char, you just need to bake a lot of pizza!

Here is a link to the presentation I gave at Stove Camp in 2016 where I talked about coking ovens and flame carbonizers:

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