FW: Make Char in the Woods was from:] Biochar makers that are low emission


Starting with your comments (below), there can be a list of MANY reasons to “Make char in the woods.”

1. “do not have to transport all that feedstock to a central location.”
2. “leave the char in place (no transport out
3. “helps to build forest soils”
4. “ecological benefit of building forest soils.”

Additional reasons:
5. CO2e sequestration is Carbon Negative (go for the Climate benefit reason)
6. Removal of some of the “liability biomass” (protection against fire hazard)
7. Dead wood rots and releases methane (not as carbon neutral as we like to think)
8. Option for SOME good wood to be removed (and not to leave liability biomass as a pile)
9. If the char-making equipment is progressing through the forest in a planned and desirable manner, the making of the char could leave a beneficial access path for future uses.
10. Unattractive equipment is in the woods and out of sight.
Please add more reasons. You can be selective about the “woods” as being only on low-slope areas or with certain types of ecosystem or only in certain season. This is not “one-type-fits-all”.

I am preparing my document for the 4C Kiln which I hope will fit into this discussion as a possible char-making device.


Doc / Dr TLUD / Paul S. Anderson, PhD
Exec. Dir. of Juntos Energy Solutions NFP
Email: psanders@ilstu.edu<mailto:psanders@ilstu.edu> Skype: paultlud
Phone: Office: 309-452-7072 Mobile: 309-531-4434
Website: www.drtlud.com<www.drtlud.com>

From: biochar@yahoogroups.com<mailto:biochar@yahoogroups.com> <biochar@yahoogroups.com<mailto:biochar@yahoogroups.com>>
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2019 6:23 PM
To: biochar@yahoogroups.com<mailto:biochar@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: Re: [biochar] Re: [Stoves] Biochar makers that are low emission, fire safe, and “look like” a stove, oven or heater

Gordon – that sounds like a real solution. Congratulations. Just what we need. I look forward to hearing more as you progress. Hopefully your work can be a model for other areas dealing with the same problems.

We need all the tools in the toolbox, and your project is probably the gold standard, but the forest fuels problem is so big that there are opportunities for many different approaches. One advantage of making char in the woods is that you do not have to transport all that feedstock to a central location. If you leave the char in place, it helps to build forest soils. Hard to monetize that right now, but not hard to justify it from the standpoint of ecological benefit of building forest soils.

Posted by: kelpiew@gmail.com<mailto:kelpiew@gmail.com>
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